Product Info

General Product Information

Please read the product information on the label of each product. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ingredients, please contact Hogwash. and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you are prone to skin allergies, Hogwash suggest that you do a test patch before using a product. If you have any medical concerns about using our products, some of which contain essential oils that should not be used when pregnant, lactating or with certain medical conditions, please consult your medical practitioner. Essential oils should not be used under the age of 6.

Hogwash. reserve the right to change the appearance, packaging, and scent, or withdraw any products at any time.

Storage: products should be kept in their original packaging and stored away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures such as a radiator, window or open door as some products can fade, deteriorate or sweat if left in direct light or heat. As products are handmade and hand cut, slight variations in colour, size or scent may occur between batches.